scene title: what about aubree?, scene 2
performers: lacey london, nicole kitt
site: all her luv (missax)
production credits: craven moorehead (dir.), missa x (scr.). jess x, missa x (eds.)
release date: august 08, 2022 | trailer
it had been a while since i'd checked up on all her luv's output, but when i saw that they'd published a scene with two black girls — a happenstance as rare as hen's teeth on story-forward girl/girl sites — i signed up immediately. nicole kitt, a willowy, graceful young beauty, had impressed me in her few appearances in mindgeek and girlfriends scenes, and shorter firecracker lacey london's more energetic outings for cheapo brands had put her on my radar, so i was favorably inclined already, supposing that all her luv regular director ricky greenwood must have finally gotten his act together enough to pair two young black women. sure, it was shot a little plainly for greenwood's style, but maybe just getting the lighting right was an issue...
performances: 27
cinematography: 23
editing: 18
script: 12
sjw points: 8
total score:
performers: lacey london, nicole kitt
site: all her luv (missax)
production credits: craven moorehead (dir.), missa x (scr.). jess x, missa x (eds.)
release date: august 08, 2022 | trailer
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l: lacey london, r: nicole kitt |
it had been a while since i'd checked up on all her luv's output, but when i saw that they'd published a scene with two black girls — a happenstance as rare as hen's teeth on story-forward girl/girl sites — i signed up immediately. nicole kitt, a willowy, graceful young beauty, had impressed me in her few appearances in mindgeek and girlfriends scenes, and shorter firecracker lacey london's more energetic outings for cheapo brands had put her on my radar, so i was favorably inclined already, supposing that all her luv regular director ricky greenwood must have finally gotten his act together enough to pair two young black women. sure, it was shot a little plainly for greenwood's style, but maybe just getting the lighting right was an issue...
so it was a nasty shock when i reached the end credits and learned that craven moorehead had apparently been welcomed into the missax stable after getting the boot from gamma for sexually harassing talent. and this is one of those places where the contradictions of attempting to be an ethical porn consumer really come to a head. because i very much want to send a signal with my money that studios should cast more black women in everything (and especially in story-focused girl/girl), but i also don't want to support abusers. unfortunately, abusers can do good work, and moorehead did a really great job here; this was shot with a tenderness and care that i rarely noticed in his work for gamma outside of high-end projects.
i didn't watch the first entry in the two-parter, but i gather from context that the "straight" nicole recommended aubree valentine as a roommate (and potential love interest) for her lesbian friend lacey, that aubree and lacey had sex, and that lacey ended it feeling weirded out by her. so here lacey confronts nicole, asking her why she's trying to set her up with weirdos, and nicole dodges the question until she finally admits that she's been in love with lacey all along, whereupon lacey admits the same to her, and so to the clinch.
from the evidence here, nicole is a better actor than lacey, but lacey is better at performing sex than nicole; or maybe they're staying just in character as a conflicted straight girl and an experienced lesbian. one moment of apparent in-character improv did make me laugh out loud: when lacey covers nicole's mouth after she moans too loudly, reminding her that aubree is supposedly sleeping in the other room. but otherwise, although excellently shot and mostly credibly performed, the sex carried little narrative momentum and never moved past being sweetly romantic.
which is fine! sweet romance between two black girls is rare enough in porn's high-definition era that it would be churlish to complain about not getting something more emotionally complex. even the apparent minor tension about aubree gets defused in the final seconds, in which it turns out she's been listening in the whole time and is perfectly willing to go with the flow.
i'm heartened to notice, in the months since this scene was released, that both performers have returned to all her luv as well as to a bunch of other sites, nicole especially in high glam and even a couple of european productions for lust cinema. it feels like the industry is at long last, if reluctantly, allowing there to be more than two or three gorgeous dark black women active at a high level at one time, and i couldn't be happier about that development. now, getting them in scenes together, on the other hand....
performances: 27
cinematography: 23
editing: 18
script: 12
sjw points: 8
total score: